salam wbt buat warga MANEES sekalian.^^,
Alhamdulillah, hari ini kita skali lagi telah diberi peluang untuk same2 hadir di Karolkowa 84 bagi menghadiri sedikit perkongsian ilmu dan 'soulfood' melalui usrah kita.
alright, i should really drop the formalities.
i'm here just to recap a few important agendas that are worth sharing.
our usrah was started with ummul-kitab; الفاتحة. and we were being reminded to update the setting of our 'niat' coming to this usrah..
our T&T today was picked from الفرقان; verses 63-77.
these are the verses that explain the 14 'Ibadu Rahman or 14 qualities of His servant.
1-walk with humility
2-when are being degraded, he returns them with kindness *salam
3-performing prayers during the last 1/3 night. *tahajjud
4-praying for exception from Jahannam
5-donating his property
6-do not worship other than Allah S.W.T
7-do not commit adultery.
8-do not kill people without reasons.
9-repent, believe and do deeds of righteousness.
10-maintain one's dignity
11-do not give false testimony.
12-do not do anything non-beneficial.
13-not being blind and dumb when he hears the verses from Quran.
14-never get tired of praying and asking from Him.
just a few words before we wrap all these up..
i would love to remind us all about the one thing that kak bee suggested and we agreed upon.
yes, the very one about performing prayers together, fasting once a week, reciting the Al-Ma'thurat and also reciting Al-Mulk just before you went to bed.
with that, i rest my case.
what's g0od comes from Him,
and what's not also comes from Him..but methodically presented through me.
May He bless us, amiiin..
beautifully written
jazakillah qila!
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