The Best Clothing Award

السلام عليكم
buat warga Manees n anda2 sekalian =)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Welcome to "The Annual Clothing Award".
This year's nominees are.....

And the winner of the best clothing award goes to.............

ehhh...not in the list ahh??

"Wahai anak cucu Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menyediakan pakaian untuk menutupi auratmu, dan untuk perhiasan bagimu. Tetapi pakaian taqwa, itulah yang lebih baik.Demikianlah sebahagian tanda2 kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka ingat."
(Al-A'raf, 7:26)

Ingatlah, Allah tak pernah lihat seindah mana pakaian luaran kita, asalkan ia menutup aurat, dan tidak mendatangkan fitnah, tetapi Allah melihat pada aqidah kita, sejauh mana kita berpegang kepada agamaNya.

Rasulullah SAW pernah ditanya maksud taqwa. Baginda menjelaskannya seperti maksudnya yang berikut
“pernahkah engkau bertemu jalan yang banyak duri dan bagaimana tindakanmu waktu itu? Orang itu menjawab, apabila aku melihat duri aku mengelak ke tempat yang tidak ada duri atau aku langkahi atau aku mundur. Abu hurairah menjawab, itulah dia taqwa.

Perilaharala taqwa, agar kita lebih indah pada pandangan-Nya :))

p/s-post ini bukan untuk memburukkan sesiapa.harap maaf.

Interesting Equations. (more advanced than add maths)

السلام عليكم
buat warga Manees n anda2 sekalian =)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Sorry Manees seolah2 diabaikan..huhu..
Here, an entry, copy-pasted from somewhere with permission :)

I got these equations from a friend of mine. Enjoy calculating yaw :)

Time spent on earth (average age) = ± 75 years old
Time will be spent in akhirat+heaven/hell = infinity (∞)

Ratio/proportion (for comparison)
75 ÷ ∞ = ????

how many??

answer= 0
0 ok :)

So apa yang kita buat di dunia ini sebenarnya 0kalau nak dibandingkan degan akhirat????

So, betullah yg Allah berfirman dalam Al-Quran

"Sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia itu hanyalah permainan dan senda gurau. Jika kamu beriman serta bertakwa, Allah akan memberikan pahala kepadamu dan Dia tidak akan meminta hartamu."
(Surah Muhammad, 47:36)

"Dan kehidupan dunia ini hanyalah permainann dan senda gurau. Sedang negeri akhirat itu sungguh lebih baik bagi orang2 yang bertakwa. Tidakkah kamu mengerti?"
(Surah Al-An'am, 6:32)

"Dia (Allah berfirman, 'berapa tahunkah lamaya kamu tinggal dibumi?"
"Mereka menjawab, 'Kami tinggal di bumi sehari atau setengah hari, maka tanyakanlah kepada mereka yang menghitung."
"Dia (Allah ) berfirman, 'Kamu tinggal dibumi hanya sebentar sahajajika kamu benar2 mengetahui"
(Surah Al-Mu'minun, 23:112-114)

Dan banyak lagi yang Allah telah beritahu pada kita yang bahawasanya dunia ini hanyalah PERMAINAN DAN SENDA GURAU.
Dalam mengejar akhirat, jangan kita lupakan dunia sebagai sampingan, pentas untuk kita lakukan ibadah untuk dibawa ke akhirat nanti, but NOT mengejar dunia, akhirat sebagai sampingan. The latter won't work. Believe me.

"Dan carilah (pahala) negeri akhirat dengan apa yang telah dianugerahkan Allah kepadamu, tetapi janganlah kamu lupa bahagianmu di dunia dan berbuat baiklah (kepada orang lain) sebagaimana Allah telah berbuat baik kepadamu, dan janganlah kamu mebuat kerosakan di bumi. Sungguh, Allah tidak menyukai orang yang membuat kerosakan."
(Surah Al-Qasas, 28:77)

Akhir kata,

"Barang siapa mengkehandaki kehidupan sekarang (duniawi), maka kami segerakan baginya di dunia ini apa yang Kami kehendaki bagi orang yang Kami kehendaki. Kemudia, Kami segerakan baginya di akhirat neraka Jahannam, dia akan memasukinya dalam keadaan tercela dan terusir."
(Surah Al-isra', 17:18)

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal :)


With the name of Allah, The Most Gracious Most Merciful.

i thank Him as He has provided me the strength to carry out my duty,
indeed, i am the one at lost as i keep holding this entry. ::sedih::

Alhamdulillah, He had given us yet another opportunity to 'Yazid' our Iman throughout our effort in tarbiyahing and fikrahing within our Manees.
'yazid' here is from the word 'zada' which means increase.
our iman is characterized by two words. -yazid wa yanqus-
'yanqus' comes from the word 'naqasa' which i'm sure most of us could guess the meaning.
correctomund0! yes, it means decrease.

why we are willing to wake up early and prepare carbonara pasta and lempeng jagung and then, carry them from our house to the palace and then to the hostel pulak?
why indeed we give a damn about this usrah thingy actually?
personally, i believe this is one of the booth, in fact a concrete one, where i can top- up my iman. this is our effort in seeking His Guidance and Love because we realize, if He decided to abandon us right here right now, we are condemned. and we don't want that. we want to go back home- the Jannah and not being abandoned and lost which definitely going to lead us to the Naar.

that is why we should always ask ourselves have we realized the alert from our iman if it's decreasing like when Orange sent us sms each time we finish calling ppl. annoying yes, but it provides us the info on how much credit left. same goes here, when we have been 'lagha' by the non-stop works-movies-songs-sports which all these fall under the categories of DUNIAWI, our iman is actually sending beep-beep to us. "UWAGA!! i'm depleting_do top-up me!!" well, i just made this up-of course.hihihi

back to our usrah last-last Saturday on 3rd of April in front of the Teatr which-i-don't-remember-its-name, keeping our guts- we couldn't care less about the coldness that nearly engulfing naqlis and asma. *it's me actually.. =P
below is how our day, our soul, our mind and our tummy was filled... ::bahgie!::

we opened our halaqah with ummul kitab Al-Fatihah before starting our TnT which was from the Surah Al-Fath:18-29.
Al-Fath brings the meaning of 'the victory' and 'the opening'.

This honorable Surah was revealed after the Messenger of Allah returned from the area of Al-Hudaybiyyah, during the month of Dhul-Qa`dah, in the sixth year of Hijrah. This is when the idolators prevented him from reaching Al-Masjid Al-Haram to perform the `Umrah he intended. They stopped the Prophet from reaching Makkah at that time, but then were prone to peace negotiations. A peace treaty was conducted stipulating that the Messenger would return this year and then come back for `Umrah the following year. 
The Messenger agreed. However, some of the Companions disliked these terms, including `Umar bin Al-Khattab, as we will mention in detail, Allah willing, while explaining this Surah. 
After the Prophet slaughtered his sacrificial animals in the area where he was stopped and headed back to Al-Madinah, Allah the Exalted and Most Honored revealed this Surah about what occurred between him and the idolators. 
Allah declared the Al-Hudaybiyyah peace treaty a manifest victory, because of the benefits peace would carry and the good results that did originate from it. 
`Abdullah bin Mas`ud and other Companions said, 
"You consider the conquering of Makkah to be Al-Fath (the victory), while to us, Al-Fath is the treaty conducted at Al-Hلudaybiyyah.'' 
Jabir (bin `Abdullah) said, 
"We only considered Al-Fath to be the day of Hudaybiyyah!'' 
Al-Bukhari recorded that Al-Bara' (bin `Azib) said, 
"You consider Al-Fath to be the conquest of Makkah, which was indeed a victory. However, we consider Al-Fath to be the pledge of Ar-Ridwan on the Day of Al-Hudaybiyyah. Then, we were fourteen hundred with the Messenger of Allah . Al-Hudaybiyyah had a well, whose water we consumed, not leaving a drop of water in it. When the news of what happened reached the Messenger of Allah , he came towards us and sat on the edge of the well. Then he asked to be brought a bucket of water and used it for ablution. He next rinsed his mouth, invoked Allah and poured that water into the well. Soon after, that well provided us, as well as our animals, with sufficient water, in whatever amount of water we wished."
Imam Ahmad recorded that `Umar bin Al-Khattab said, 
"We were with the Messenger of Allah on a trip, and I asked him about a matter three times, but he did not answer me. So I said to myself, `May your mother lose you, O son of Al-Khattab! You were stubborn in repeating your question three times to the Messenger of Allah ; each time he did not respond to you.' So I mounted my animal, my camel, and went ahead for fear that a part of the Qur'an might be revealed in my case. Suddenly, I heard a caller calling, `O `Umar!' So, I went to the Messenger while fearing that part of the Qur'an was revealed about me. 
The Prophet said,

«نَزَلَ عَلَيَّ الْبَارِحَةَ سُورَةٌ هِيَ أَحَبُّ إِلَيَّ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا وَمَا فِيهَا:

[إِنَّا فَتَحْنَا لَكَ فَتْحاً مُّبِيناً لِّيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذَنبِكَ وَمَا تَأَخَّرَ]»

("Last night, a Surah was revealed to me that is dearer to me than this life and all that it contains: (Verily, We have given you a manifest victory. That Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future.)") Al-Bukhari, At-Tirmizi and An-Nasa'i collected this Hadith from several chains of narration through Malik, may Allah grant him His mercy.

to be continued... *ada sikit pengisian from kak naQlis and kak Elle yang akan dikupas sedikit waktu lagi.
tungguuuuuuu____ ^^,

p/s: jazakillah jiah for the entry about 'Tips to fight Depression'..sayang anda!

Tips to fight depression in His way :)

Assalamualaikum... this entry should be posted weeks ago, sorry qila, for being late =.='' najihah...najihah...selalu lambat...

10 Tips to Fight Depression !

Feeling down in the dumps, depressed, having the blues: these are just some of the terms used to describe a feeling of hopelessness and despair that can hit even the most optimistic of us at some point in our lives. While clinical depressionrequires proper professional treatment, the occasional feeling of sadness due to factors ranging from economic difficulty to harassment and discrimination can be helped through some simple spiritual practices. Here are a couple that can help:

1. Look at those below you

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Whenever you see someone better than you in wealth, face or figure, you should look at someone who is inferior to you in these respects” (Bukhari, Muslim). If you are reading this article online, consider this: you are one of the lucky set of human beings on the planet who can afford a computer and internet connection or at least have access to one. The United Nations Development Program’s 2007 Human Development Report notes that there are still around 1 billion people living worldwide at the margins of survival on less than $1 a day, with 2.6 billion living on less than $2 a day. Also consider that in the Quran (14:7), God says that if you are thankful to Him for what you have, He blesses you with more.

2. Serve your fellow human beings

The best way to thank God is to serve humanity, especially those who have less than you. Serving others is uplifting and rewarding. It helps us gain a better perspective on life’s challenges, making us realize how very often, are problems seem so small compared to the awesome difficulties others face. That’s why when the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the Muslims were a small, poor and persecuted community, they used to give to the poor even more. They understood that when you are generous when you have less, you achieve the perspective of a winner. You are focused on the bigger picture.

3. Read Surah Ad Duha

According to one report, after the Prophet had begun receiving revelation from God, at one point a long period of time passed with no such communication from Allah. As a result, the Makkans ridiculed the Prophet and he became severely depressed. That’s when this chapter was revealed (Quran 93: 1-11). The chapter is a beautiful reminder to us to see life in the greater scheme of things, to be grateful for what we have and to never give up striving for what is right. This chapter of the Quran can be considered a direct recipe from God for depression.

4. Turn to God in all situations

Remember that nothing can harm you without the consent of God. While you must take care of yourself, rely on God and know that He is always with you and only He can give you strength in difficult times. Also remember that He will help you can come out of a trying situation as a better person if you deal with it positively.

5. Remember God’s Names

God has many beautiful Names which describe His attributes and powers. These are reminders of His Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Justice, Strength and much, more. Supplicating to God using these Names reminds us that God has these attributes more than any other being and that we can and must rely on Him during good and bad times.

6. Say ‘Hasbun Allahu wa Ni’ mal Wakeel‘;

This has been translated as “God suffices me and He is the best guardian.” It is an excellent way of reminding us that whatever worries we have or problems we face, God has the answer and cure to all of them and is the only One who can really do what is best for us.

7. Make sure when you leave home,

you read this Dua ‘In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is no might nor power except with Allah.’ Bismillahe tawakkaltu alAllahe la haula wa la quwwata illa biAllah.

8. Take your spiritual break from the world,

five times a day Taking a break away from school, work or other life activities to spend a few minutes to remember God helps you reconnect with the Creator of the Universe, fortify your soul and strengthen your resolve to live a better life that is in tune with your faith and principles.

9. End your day on a good note

Shakespeare once wrote a play entitled “All’s well that ends well.” That’s good advice for dealing with depression too. End a day that may have been riddled with challenges and frustrations by making Wudu before going to bed, thinking of God and the Prophet and counting every blessings you have

10. Stop Shaytan in his tracks

Shaytan is the source of many of our negative emotions. It’s his job to make us feel pessimistic and to despair of any good in life. When you feel these feelings coming on, stop him dead in his tracks: say Aoutho billahi minash Shaytan ir Rajeem (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan).